Development Related Services
Our solutions include failsafe activities to prevent internal errors which mostly caused by developers’ choices that not to consider external professional advice from initial pre-development phase to go/no go phase of any project develoment activities.
Market Area Analysis
Market area analysis is a business plan study for an investor or developer regarding a proposed project to analyse targeted physical and demographical areas.
Demand Analysis
Demand analysis is market study of estimated sales and revenue generated by a good or service to determine the reasons for its success or failure using relative indicators like employment statistics, rivalry information, consumer demographics, household income and housing tenure.
Supply Analysis
Supply analysis is a detailed market overview real estate supply of the market with segmentation principle in terms of residential, commercial and industrial real estates. Real estate supply analysis also reviews surveying of existing office, industrial and retail units, extensive fieldwork and historic trend analysis.
Marketability Analysis
Marketability analysis is detailed assessment of market power of a real estate’s itself. Marketability analysis contains an extensive fieldwork, data mining activities and preparation of marketing efforts that is necessary to evaluate future marketability performance of an existing property.
Competitive Analysis
Competitive analysis is evalution of the difference between a property’s financial performance and its equivalents in the same market condition.
Absorbtion Analysis
Absorbtion analysis studies the number of residential properties that will be leased or sold for a particular time frequency, estimated selling time of a building and / or full leased.
Concept Review
Concept review is re-evaluation of a real estate project in terms of projected value, market positioning on the viewpoint of the client.
Project Review
Project review is full scale of analysis of a real estate project from initial land evaluation to end user price range determination.
Market Penetration
Market penetration is a strategy analysis which is focused on increasing market power and providing any project to a sustainable place in terms of market positioning and profitability to its investors.
Competitor Monitoring
Competitor monitoring solutions provide client to monitoring both minor and major competitor activities like M&A, invesment announcements, new projects and competitor trends.
Cost Estimation
Cost estimation studies are detailed financial forecasting reports which real estate projects’ investment, development and improvement based approximate costs estimated in an interval.
H&B Use Study
Highest and best use study is a real estate appraisal which illustrates best possible way of property can produce highest value and marginal utility to its potential users in the aspects of physically possible, appropriately usage and financially feasible.
Feasibility Study
A real estate feasibility study is an analysis of a single property or a real estate project which instruct investors to cash flow projections with a rational system of analysis and data inputs. Feasibility study is detailed demonstration of a real estate project is viable or not in terms of market dynamics, cost estimations, regulations, enviromental situation and of course financial feasbility of the project.
Investment Package
Investment package solutions are much more directed to small and medium sized constructions business which support construction companies to prepare investment packages with engineering, architectural, financialk details of their finished and on going projects.